Kukulkán (Feathered Serpent)- god of rain, wind, storms, and life.
This was the Mayans Chief god. Its name stands for feathered snake. Considering a snake's living habits, he is a symbol for life both below and above the earth, and so it was considered a point of connection between the gods and humanity. The open mouths of snakes were identified with caves, which give access to the underworld, and their bodies represent the sky.
The main attraction of Chichen Itza is Kukulkan. The Mayans believed that this deity comes down from the pyramid as a shadow every equinox of spring and autumn.
They believed that Kukulkan had a human form as well. This human form taught their people how to cultivate, how to run an entire civilization and how to make medicine to cure and treat injuries and disease.
The ancient people understood the eagle’s calls as a warning that an earthquake or storm was on its way. In ancient Mayan mythology, one face of the double headed eagle represents good and the other represents evil. The creature itself represents contemplative thought. When focused upon, this symbol assists in accessing inner wisdom and facilitates focus. Eagles have also traditionally been a symbol of community and cooperative unity within a diverse group.